5 Natural Ways To Heal A Sunburn


5 Natural Ways To Heal A Sunburn

Natural ways to heal sunburnNatural ways to heal sunburn

By now, we all know the importance of wearing sunscreen outside (btw, it’s really important!). Buuut, that doesn’t mean accidents don’t happen.

Ah, summer.

Summer means beaches, barbecues, and lots of sun! By now, we all know the importance of wearing sunscreen outside (btw, it’s really important!).

Buuut, that doesn’t mean accidents don’t happen.

I mean, after a few drinks on the beach, reapplying sunscreen is not usually the first thing that comes to mind.

With that said, here are some amazing natural sunburn remedies that will help soothe and heal even the most painful post-beach burns.*



Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is already famous for having a ton of different uses and health benefits. While it’s most commonly used as a hair oil, moisturizer, or healthy cooking oil, it’s also an amazing natural remedy for sunburn.

Coconut oil is high in saturated fat. Saturated fats help the skin retain and lock in moisture, which keep it feeling silky smooth and stop the peeling before it starts.

Coconut oil is also over 40% lauric acid, which has antimicrobial properties.

This means that it’ll help protect the skin against infections. So next time you have a sunburn, slather on some coconut oil - your skin will look, feel and smell amazing!


Aloe and sunburn have gone hand-in-hand for ages and that’s because its healing properties are no joke.

Aloe is one of the best natural remedies for sunburn and is sometimes even used by hospitals to treat minor burns.

If you split the leaves of an aloe plant open you’ll find a colorless gel inside. This gel has antibacterial properties that help treat burns.

The gel also helps cool and soothe the skin, and prevents itchiness and peeling. But, with so many aloe products on the market, try to avoid the ones with added ingredients and harsh chemicals.

Look for pure aloe oil or gel, or If you’re feeling your inner-hippie buy an aloe plant and rub the gel directly on your skin!


Oatmeal isn’t just a great source of dietary fiber, it’s also a natural sunburn remedy that you can make at home.

When mixed with water, oatmeal is a great anti-inflammatory that helps soothe sunburn, eczema and bug bites. All you have to do is buy pre-packaged oatmeal and follow the directions!

Or, if you’re feeling fancy, you can make your own by finely chopping oats in a blender and adding lukewarm water.

Once your mixture is ready, gently apply it to your skin and let it sit. Just remember, don’t rub it in - you want to soothe your skin, not exfoliate it!  


sunburn remedies


Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a liquid extract derived from the leaves and bark of the witch hazel plant.

It’s a commonly used home remedy for a number of issues, including razor burn, swelling, bruising and acne. That’s because witch hazel contains tannins, a compound with antioxidant-like properties that helps reduce inflammation and fights free radicals.

These tannins also make witch hazel a great natural remedy for sunburn. Applying witch hazel to your burn can help reduce itchiness and pain.

When you’re buying witch hazel, just remember to read the label carefully. Look for witch hazel extract and not distilled witch hazel, which doesn’t have nearly as many sunburn-fighting tannins.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been used as a home remedy for ages, for everything from an acne treatment, to a facial cleanser, to a sunburn cure!

Apple cider vinegar is an acid that can help reduce the itching and pain that come with a sunburn.

When using apple cider vinegar it’s really important to dilute it before putting it on your skin. Undiluted vinegar can actually cause more burns - the exact opposite of what you want.

So instead of slathering it on your skin, try pouring a cup of apple cider vinegar into a cool bath, or dipping a wet washcloth into a small amount of vinegar.

*No matter how many drinks on the beach you’ve had, please remember the sunscreen!


Too Long, Didn't Read (TLDR)

Coconut Oil for Sunburn: High in saturated fat which helps the skin retain and lock in moisture to stop the peeling before it starts. Coconut oil is also over 40% lauric acid, which has antimicrobial properties, helping protect the skin against infections.
Aloe (and Aloe Vera): Split the leaves of an aloe plant open you’ll find a colorless gel inside. This gel has antibacterial properties that help treat burns, cool and soothe the skin, and prevent itchiness and peeling.
Oatmeal: When mixed with water, oatmeal is a great anti-inflammatory that helps soothe sunburn, eczema and bug bites. Once mixed, gently apply to the affected area and let it sit - don't rub it in!
Witch Hazel for Sunburn: Witch hazel is a liquid extract derived from the leaves and bark of the witch hazel plant that contains sunburn fighting tannins, which help ease itchiness and pain for sunburn, razor burn, acne and bruising. Make sure to buy witch hazel extract and not distilled witch hazel, which isn't nearly as effective.
Apple Cider Vinegar: Diluted Apple Cider Vinegar is an acid that can really help with sunburn when added to a bath or by dipping a wet washcloth into a small quantity of vinegar.