Seasonal Produce Guide: March


Seasonal Produce Guide: March

March marks the beginning of a plethora of gorgeous greens from asparagus to brussel sprouts to bok choy. So here’s your roundup of some of the freshest March produce, to take you into Spring swinging!

March signals the start of Spring. And while it’s not exactly bikini weather yet, the turn of the season means it’s finally time to say goodbye to starchy winter produce and hello to fresh spring fruits and veggies. March marks the beginning of a plethora of gorgeous greens from asparagus to brussel sprouts to bok choy. So here’s your roundup of some of the freshest March produce, to take you into Spring swinging!



Asparagus is the quintessential spring food. It’s the early bird of spring produce, and a welcome dinner guest that never shows up fashionably late. Not only will it never leave you hanging, it’s loaded with fiber, folate, and vitamins A, C, E and K. Each slender spear also packs a ton of antioxidants that help protect against free radicals and keep your skin baby soft and wrinkle free.



Avocados are so popular that they’re eaten all year round, whether they’re fresh or not. But if you’re tired of scraping the brown stuff off of your not-so-great avocados, then March is your month. Avocados have more potassium than bananas and a ton of vitamins, including vitamins K, C and E. They’re also loaded with monounsaturated fats - the healthy kind that reduce internal inflammation and keep your heart healthy.



Artichokes are an underrated spring treat. They’re good for your heart, low in saturated fat, and high in fiber. They also help strengthen the immune system, lower cholesterol and may help protect against some forms of cancer.



Broccoli is basically the superstar of Spring. It’s full of potassium, folate and vitamin C. It’s also a part of the cruciferous family, which includes cabbage, cauliflower and kale. Cruciferous veggies contain sulforaphane - a compound with cancer-fighting properties. Finally out of hibernation, broccoli is a serious springtime staple.


Brussel Sprouts

Nobody puts these baby cabbages in a corner. They’re filled with protein, fiber and antioxidants, and taste delicious when roasted, caramelized, or shredded into a spring slaw.


Bok Choy

This Chinese cabbage has become a worldwide Spring staple for a reason. Not only is it rich in phyto-nutrients, vitamins and minerals, it’s seriously low in calories. In fact, it’s so low in calories that we suggest you ditch the celery sticks in favor of some of its leafy green stalks.



Babies may have given peas a bad name, but make no mistake, they're a powerhouse veggie. Packed with antioxidants, they support a healthy immune system, keep your energy high and contain anti-aging properties. So this Spring, try not to let these bad boys end up all over the floor.



Rhubarb isn’t just a sophisticated pie filling intended to make foodies feel fancy. Sometimes considered a vegetable and sometimes considered a fruit, it’s capable of satisfying your sweet tooth without lulling you into a sugar coma. Packed with dietary fiber, vitamins C, K and B, and loaded with calcium and potassium, it’s nutritional value should not be underestimated.



Possibly the most popular berry, this brightly colored fruit doesn’t just taste good -- it does good. Each red berry contains antioxidants, folate, potassium, manganese, fiber and vitamin C. Strawberries also help improve eyesight, brain function, arthritis, and help lower the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.



Mangoes can make any meal feel like the beginning of a tropical vacation! These delicious yellow fruits don’t just pair well with cocktails on the beach -- each succulent bite is also loaded with a ton of health benefits. Mangoes are low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol. They’re also a great source of fiber, vitamin B6, A and C. Mangoes help reduce the risk of heart disease, premature aging, and fight free radicals that damage cells.